International Albinism Awareness Day Marked Almost Unnoticed in Ghana
Hidden in the chaos of the news, World Albinism Day passed unrecognized by the Ghanaian press. Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Hon Otiko Afisah Djaba calls on Ghanaians to end all forms discrimination against persons with albinism yet the day was almost undetected by most Ghanaians. Hon Afisah Djaba made this remarks on 13 th June to mark International Albinism Awareness Day (IAAD). According to the Minister, government has taken steps “to promote, support and protect the socio economic rights of persons with albinism.” “The appointment of Mawunyo Yakor-Dagbah, a person with albinism to the governing body of the National Council on Persons with Disabilities under the Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection in Ghana, is to ensure that issues of albinism are not left behind or out,” the sector minister added. Albinism is a condition of the skin caused by a lack of melanin. Unfortunately, t...